Faculty Details

Name : Dr. Lopamudra Kakoti
Designation : MD, Asst Professor
Details :

Dr Lopa Mudra Kakoti working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Oncopathology at Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati. Presently she is pursuing her DM Oncopathology at the same institute. Besides her service, she takes imperative roles as teaching faculty for Lab Technology students, nursing and MSc cancer biology students. She has presented interesting papers/cases on innumerable occasions, with a few note-worthy accolades in few of them.


She has emerged as the first-place winner in the pathology quiz competition held at NERC-IAPM 2016.


She has also been invited to a few loco-regional symposiums as a guest speaker and panellist. She has more than 30 publications in national and international indexed journal and 3 book chapters